LLM/CIF connects political elite from the CR, the PRC and CEE Countries

LLM/CIF connects political elite from the CR, the PRC and CEE Countries

The main ambition of the China Investment Forum (CIF) 2014 and the Local Leaders meeting (LLM) 2014 is to be historically important milestone on the way to developing mutual cooperation on all levels between the People’s Republic of China and Central and Eastern European Countries. Anticipated outcome is already apparent in the number of registered participants and the sound organisations they represent.


Hundreds of guests from CEE countries and China are heading to Prague for 28 and 29 August when the LLM and CIF take place. Personal auspices have accepted the President of the Czech Republic Mr Miloš Zeman and the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Mr Bohuslav Sobotka which undoubtedly shows the importance of this Forum. We are pleased to announce participation of a number of ministers from the Czech government, namely the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic Mr Jan Mládek, the Minister of Regional Development of the Czech Republic Mrs Věra Jourová, the Minister of the Interior Mr Milan Chovanec, the Minister of Transport Mr Antonín Prachař, the Minister of the Health of the Czech Republic Mr Svatopluk Němeček and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Mr Lubomír Zaorálek. Also, majority of the governors of Czech regions and representatives of Czech companies and other legal entities will be present.

The official delegations of the People’s Republic of China is led by Mr Zhang Gaoli, the Vice-Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China accompanied by the Minister of Transport of the PRC government Mr Yang Chuantang, the Vice-Minister of NHFPC (National Health and Family Planning Commission of PRC) Mr Ma Xiaowei and many other senior state officials of the Chinese government.

Various government authorities and institutions of Chinese administration have nominated their delegates to participate. Also, thanks to this significant interest, the Czech Republic will welcome the authors of the Chinese economic reforms from the Development Research Center State Council. We are excited to announce participation of the biggest Chinese delegation of regional governments in the history of the People’s Republic of China. The participation on the level of Governors or Vice-Governors have been confirmed by 15 Chinese provinces and municipalities at the provincial level (Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong, Hainan, Hebei, Henan, Chongqing, Jiangsu, Liaoning, Beijing, Shandong, Sichuan, Tianjin, Xinjiang and Zhejiang).

The CIF is attended by more than 300 entrepreneurs specialised in all areas of Czech-Chinese and CEE-Chinese cooperation. Among the guests will be then the most senior representatives of giant Chinese corporations and companies such as CITIC Group and CITIC CK, China Eastern, Sinopharm Group, TCL Group, Reignwood, China Investment Corporation (CIC), China International Capital Corporation (CICC), GL Capital, EXIM Bank, CYTS, Spring Tour or COSCO.

Regions of Central and Eastern Europe are represented for example by the Macedonian Minister of Foreign Affairs Bill Pavleski, Lithuanian Vice-Minister of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania Mr Elvinas Jankevičius or the State Secretary of the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self Government of the Republic of Serbia, Mr Ivan Bošnjak.

Fourteen CEE countries and their regional governments are coming to take part in CIF & LLM. Some autonomous regions have their business delegation as well and all together, CEE countries are represented by almost 200 politicians and businessmen.

Thanks to both events, the platform for mutual meetings, networking and collaboration, for sharing experiences and creating new opportunities will be established. The Prague Castle, the venue of most of the parts of the program of both LLM and CIF, becomes a place of an exceptional meeting, held under the wings of the Warsaw Initiative and the Bucharest Guidelines in the context of intensifying mutual cooperation on all levels between China and CEE countries.

The list of registered participants can be found HERE.