Czech media CIF 2015 report about financial or trade industry cooperation

Czech media CIF 2015 report about financial or trade industry cooperation

Prime Minister proposed the Czech Republic to become China’s gateway to Europe and City of Prague to become a Chinese financial centre for the CEE region. A new flight connection between Prague and Beijing established. The Prague Airport to become a CEEC-China air hub. Research cooperation and other cooperation opportunities. These are some reports of leading Czech media during the CIF 2015.


The Czech Republic will be China’s gateway to the EU, offered the Prime Minister Sobotka

Czech is a gateway to the European Union, invest in our major businesses, urged Prime Minister Sobotka Chinese businessmen

Prime Minister offers the Czech Republic to Chinese investors. Direct flights to Shanghai or new bank branches to be established

For Chinese airlines the Prague Airport could be more important than London

Minister Bělobrádek: The Czech Republic wants to cooperate with China in applied research

Zeman gushed over China: He spoke highly about Panda and Mole and drank a toast of water to the success