Introducing LLM 2014 and CIF 2014 to diplomats of CEE countries

Introducing LLM 2014 and CIF 2014 to diplomats of CEE countries

Regional cooperation as an important drive of cooperation between China and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) will be dealt with by Local Leaders Meeting (LLM) 2014 and China Investment Forum (CIF) 2014, which are both being co-organized by the Czech China Chamber of Collaboration and will be held on 28.-29. Aug. 2014 in Prague.


To introduce the content and the program of these important meetings to the deputies of Central and Eastern European countries and of China, held under the wings of Warsaw initiative and Bucharest challenge in the context of intensifying cooperation at all levels between China and CEE countries, there was held a meeting in Gobelin hall of Hrzansky Palace on 8 July where the organizers and the diplomats of these countries met.

The meeting was attended by Secretary of State for European Affairs of the Government of the Czech Republic Mr. Tomas Prouza, Minister of Interior Mr. Milan Chovanec, Director-General for non-European Countries of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Mr. Ivan Jančárek, and the ambassadors of the countries whose representatives have been invited to the LLM 2014 and CIF 2014.

The Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in the Czech Republic, Mrs. MA Keqing, as well the ambassadors of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Macedonia, Poland, Slovenia, Romania, Slovakia and Serbia were invited to participate.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of CIF 2014 and LLM 2014 the meeting was attended by the President of the Organising Committee, Mr Jaroslav Tvrdík, the vice president of the Organizing committee, Petr Mrhálek, and the leading manager for the guests of the CEE, Iva Hrůzová.

The participants at the meeting were informed about the course of the upcoming events and the organizational details. They were also informed that a delegation of six participants from each country has been invited to the LLM 2014 and a delegation of ten participants from each country has been invited to the CIF 2014.

Ambassador MA Keqing subsequently informed everyone that the August’s meeting in Prague will be attended by a delegation from the Chinese side, namely from the provinces of Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong, Hainan, Hebei, Henan, Chongqing, Jiangsu, Liaoning, Beijing, Shandong, Sichuan, Tianjin, Xinjiang and Zhejiang .

The same day in Beijing, a similar meeting of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs representatives of the PRC with the ambassadors of the above listed CEE countries in China was held, which demonstrates the importance of both events.

We are glad that LLM 2014 and CIF 2014 will become an important milestone towards enhancing mutual equal partnership and developing cooperation at all levels between the PRC and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.