China Investment Forum 2014 has what to build on

China Investment Forum 2014 has what to build on

It will be the 65th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between our country and People’s Republic of China this year. In fact, the former Czechoslovakia acknowledged the legitimacy of People’s Republic of China soon after its establishment, on the 4th October 1949, as one of the first countries in the world. This significant jubilee is truly an appropriate opportunity for further building and strengthening bilateral relations between our countries. Czech China Chamber of Collaboration (CCCC) and its partners would love to contribute to the celebration and further intensification of relations at all levels by arranging the China Investment Forum 2014.


Our countries are connected by traditional friendship. “It is joyful to watch its development and finding new dynamics and new opportunities”, agree the top representatives of CCCC.

Also our nations differ in many ways and cultural habits, our hearts are similar. We are friendly, hospitable, we admire each other’s traditions, culture, history, historic sights. We learn from Chinese thinkers and philosophers, we listen to masterpieces of Czech composers and musicians, we watch the popular cartoon charakter Little Mole by Zdenek Miler, we love traditional Chinese cuisine. All the above mentioned issues have been connecting us for ages,  lead to mutual understanding, respect, esteem and open many new opportunities in the future.

We would love to contribute to all of this by arranging the China Investment Forum 2014. We want to turn its 5th season into a celebration of Czech-Chinese friendship. We shall, therefore, give our whole hearts into its arranging and holding.