Thousand guests at China Investment Forum 2016

Thousand guests at China Investment Forum 2016

The Prague Castle hosted China Investment Forum (CIF) 2016 on 14-15 November 2016. Its main topic was the New Silk Road of the 21st Century – “One Belt, One Road” as an effective platform for 16+1 cooperation development.


CIF has become a widely acknowledged platform where investors meet and introduce their projects. This year saw more than one thousand guests: half of them represented the PRC or leading Chinese companies while other guests came not only from the Czech Republic and other CEE 16+1 countries but also from the United Kingdom, Ireland, Switzerland or Germany.




The agenda started with B2B meetings with Zhejiang Province businessmen in the Hotel Intercontinental on 14 November. This meeting was attended by more than 250 entrepreneurs who enjoyed an excellent opportunity for networking and starting new projects. The welcoming gala dinner was served in the Žofín Palace in the evening. The guests were greeted by Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka and Minister of Industry and Trade Jan Mládek.




Opening remarks of Czech Prime Minister on the main meeting day of 15 November were followed by speeches by representatives of the Czech Republic and China. Panel discussions introduced cooperation opportunities and concrete projects in banking and finance, green technologies and industry, sustainable development, science and research, infrastructure, logistics and transport, e-commerce as a 21st century trading platform, China as a tourism strategic source or education and exchange of experience in culture and sport. China Investment Forum was closed by gala dinner under the auspices of President of the Czech Republic Miloš Zeman.




CIF 2016 was held in accordance with Suzhou Guidelines for Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries adopted in November 2015 by Prime Ministers of these countries. It was already in 2014 when CIF was appointed as a key event for deepening the cooperation in investments, economy and trade by Bucharest Guidelines signed by Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang and Prime Ministers of 16 CEE countries.

